
Title Published Date
Eternal Vigilance and COVID-19, or Love Your Neighbor and Your Nation March 28, 2020
Jack and Jill: The Possibility of Unforeseen Consequences March 27, 2020
Speak Up for Freedom! Sign the Petition Supporting MN's HF 3645/SF 3513 Bills! February 25, 2020
Love Your Immune-Compromised Neighbor: Vaccinate? February 20, 2020
Minnesota Legislature Threatens to Eliminate Parental Choice in Vaccination Mandate February 20, 2020
South Dakota’s HB1235 Affirms an Inalienable Right to Bodily Integrity and Prohibits Vaccine Coercion February 6, 2020
Speak Up for Freedom! Sign the Petition Opposing MN SF1520! February 5, 2020
Fact Check: Vaccine Fallacies Exposed January 25, 2020
Mankato Free Press Editorial Published May 3, 2019
Why I Oppose Mandatory Vaccination (And You Should, Too) February 21, 2019
16 Arguments against Mandatory Vaccination February 21, 2019
Question: The Best Books on Liberty, Natural Law, Etc.? May 8, 2018
Ready for Post-Truth Politics: How to Find Facts amid the Data August 24, 2016
5 Crucial Components for a Mature Theory of Political Resistance May 8, 2016
The Principle of Interposition: A Lesser Magistrate’s Duty to Stand between a Tyrannical Higher Magistrate and the People April 27, 2016
History, Literature, Philosophy, and the Classics -- Taught by Inspirational Men January 11, 2016
The Classroom v. the Bill of Rights: How America's Public Schools Undermine the Constitutional Rights of Students and Their Parents April 17, 2015

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